Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Coffee Three


" Virsa / Cica  " 
june 2005, she enter in kopi 3 boarding house,a place where I met her
she's kind, lovely and pretty girl... ;p
kalo da dia suasana jadi rame  gt..qt kalo kumpul pasti k kmar cica..
for me..cica yang selalu temnin aku beli makanan2 pedas...hehe seperguruan pecinta  pedas..

Nis " 
thats me...the cutes n lovely girl in kopi 3..hahahahaha
june 2005, i joined in kopi 3 boarding house
and..i met virsa

 " Dyas "
july 2006 his enter...ups..soryy.. I mean " she "
she moving in kopi 3
anak2 menjulukinya Invisible Girl..hehe kenapa y..hmmm..long story
dia tu..cerewet tp baik, lucu, have unique pesonality, japan n korean freak, dikit aneh...hahaha 
but kalo da kenal dekat she's lovely,,oy..she like sleeping a lot.=,='
yang pasti dia suami yg baik..ups..hahaha..i mean my best friend
(one of the reasons I stay here ;p )
" Anjani "
after the three of us..she entering in kopi 3
she is a pinky girl,,,like me..hehehe ^_- but now i love black k'..^^v
she's kind and lovely girl..and......
cinta bgt ma namax junsu, changmin n yesung...ckckckck....hahaha

" Utami "
who????hmmmm...let me think...hmmm
she is a friend of the cica and dyas,,,she moving in kopi 3
she is the craziest girl I have ever known..hahhaha..kidding..
she kind, lovely, pretty, chef of kopi 3, shoft and like sleeping a lot...^^v like dyas..
paling susah dibangunin...ckckckck.. -_-"
eee....skrg da perubahan lo...skrg dy bangunx pagi terus..^^ (coz she had to go to work)
nona ini yang selalu nemenin aku shopping, and yang paling cerewet milihin baju for me..
coz dia pengen aku pake baju feminin gtu..hehehe
love u..mmuuuuaachhh... ;p

" Nita "
she moving in kopi 3 after uut,,,
she is a friend of the cica, dyas n uut...their in the same faculty and univ
nita itu...miss make up coz dy doyan bgt dandan, rada teledor, n pelupa..(suka kehilangan brang2)-_-"
but she is a good friend...^o^
pretty girl, kind person, and lovely..ngangenin jg..hohoho

" Nyak/ Tyas "
actually...she not stay at kopi 3 boarding house..
she is a friend of cica, dyas, nita n uut..EP gang girls...ehehe..
nyak tu..anaknya tegas, rada cerewet pi baik..care n dewasa, selalu bisa ngasih nasehat..like my own sis..

" Puput "
ini ne..maknae of kopi3
she's the last person who join in kopi 3
she's a lovely girl...very kind and submissive..walau suka ribet..pi asik k'..
aku seneng bgt curhat ke dia..dia tu pendengar setiaku..hehe

" Kiki "
like nyak, she's not stay at kopi 3
she's a girl next door..
but for me..dia sudah menjadi bagian kopi 3, coz biar kata kosnya didepan..
kumpulnya ma kita2..kan mang gengx EP..hoho


it's cute right..^^we design it..
actually.... we have had long planned to make a jacket for kopi3
but it was realized after some of us already out

only three of us who wear it
coz..yang lain sudah kembali kota masing..-_-"
so..we have responsibility for this sweater..I hope someday we put together and take pictures


kawasan ijen, Malang
analisa bangunan dengan Arsitektur Kolonial belanda

 actually,,yang punya hajat kesini tu aku..
pi..tau d..yang anter k' sekampung...hahahahaha..seperti pepatah..menyelam sambil minum air
survey + jalan2..^o^

hang out...shoping...shoping...makan..makan..^^v
hehehehe..it's fun..


Taman Krida budaya..^^

nikmatnya berbuka puasa..>,<

go to Masjid for tarawih..^^
go kopi3 girlz...

pengen merasakan ramadhan yg rame n besama2 kalian,,hehehe

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